Window Wells

Window wells are specially designed rust proof structures that act to provide support for below grade or grade level basement windows. The window wells are made of corrosion proof and pre galvanized steel to ensure that in case the structure does come in contact with moisture or water, it does not lead to the collapse of the foundation. Windows are effectively voids in the walls and it is crucial that the window wells sustain the structure.

The window wells are designed such that they resemble weeping tiles but in a vertical alignment. This is because any water seepage or flow must effectively be diverted to the sump liner. This is done by connecting the window well with the weeping tile, which directs the course of flow to the sump liner and there by ridding the structure off moisture. The sump liner then diverts this collected water to the sump pump and discharge, effectively ensuring there is no water or moisture residue near the structure. Window wells are generally crafted to standard sizes. However we are available to design custom window wells for your requirements in such a way that your purpose is served and structural integrity is not compromised.